Miscarriages aren’t always a reason to seek a fertility evaluation, but sometimes it is essential in avoiding recurrent miscarriages and infertility.

Recurrent implantation failure

Recurrent implantation failure or repeated IVF failure refers to incapability to achieve pregnancy after four embryo transfers, provided that embryos are of a good quality. Inconveniently, up to 10% of females experience implantation problems during their IVF treatment.

Following the aforementioned solutions will solve your problem of repetitively failing in the implantation process. However, one of the factors is also to choose the best fertility clinic to avoid recurrent failures.

Radiance Hospital provides compassionate, understanding care with thorough explanations and answers to all your questions. We will first talk to you about your medical history and reproductive history. It is always best that we have this information for both partners.

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